Surveys & Mystery Shoppers, The Key To Measuring Client Happiness

December 05, 2017

How do you know if you're doing a "great job" for your customers? Or maybe your idea of a "great job" is a little different than what your customer would consider great.

Sadly, most customers are not often willing to communicate perceived or real shortcomings to you or your team. Often it takes a seriously disgruntled customer to even make contact about their experience.

What if you could make a huge step to pulsing your customer's experience that could help you fix problems (or better yet) make improvements to create even a better experience for your prospects and customers?

You can!

Two worthwhile ways to start finding out more about your client happiness are:

1) Customer Surveys

2) Mystery Shoppers

There are many survey programs that can be implemented that are immediately emailed to your customer each time your customer has a service or purchase experience with you. Or you can even start low-tech and include a survey sheet with every catalogue, flyer, or invoice. If you're looking for a web-based system, check-out surveymonkey.

Wanna REALLY find-out how your company is doing? Hire a mystery shopper. The mystery shopper should go through the entire purchase experience and report back on whichever key indicators you deem important (these may change as you get a few shoppings under your belt.) And an added benefit to mystery shoppers? Your team will always be a little more diligent not knowing when the mystery shopper may come along!

Thanks for reading,



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