Cover Sticker: 40-50 inches wide by 1-10 inches tall

Need a banner repair? Bumper sticker? We have your back! Just custom design your cover sticker below, and we will ship it out exactly to your specifications!

Be sure to include a picture of your current banner if you want a repair -- having a reference image will help us design the perfect sticker for you!

Build Your Cover Sticker

The cover sticker is built with quality printed vinyl and a protective overlaminate.

The editor scales to the dimensions of your sticker.

Create Your Design


Add Text
  1. Type your text into the content field.
  2. Type your font into the font field. If you don't know your font, just put "Arial".
  3. Put your font size in the font size field.
  4. Choose a text color using the color button.
  5. Click the "Add Text" button to add your text to the editor.
  6. If your text doesn't appear completely on the editor, please resize it to fit. Don't worry about font size changing, the value you enter will always stay the same.


Background Color



Drag, drop, resize, and add objects as you please with the editor below. Click on an object to access its controls.

Finish Up


Please include any information about the repair that we should know about -- Custom fonts, deadlines, etc.

Please filled out the required information below.

Click the button below to verify that you have filled out all of the fields correctly. Once verified, we will add your order to your cart!.

Check Order and Add to Cart

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