100% Satisfaction Or Your Money-Back Guarantee Policy

Lets Go Banners 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Policy

Lets Go Banners stands behind our products 100%.  Should you be unhappy with our products, here's our policy for you to request a money-back return.

We will provide a 100% return of your order provided:

1. All requests for this guarantee must be emailed to our customer service support desk within 30 days of your product ship date.

2. The product must be in the original shape that was shipped from our production facility.  The product must not contain stains, wrinkles, "wear-and-tear," or be visibly used in any way.  No odors, pet stains or stains of any kind, etc.

3. This offer does not apply to custom orders.  We will provide you with a proof (unless not requested by you.)  If your banner or product was specially designed for you in any manner, this offer does not apply.

4.  We reserve the right to dispute this claim if we have any reason to believe that you are exercising this offer for self-gain.  If you have exercised this offer repeatedly, we reserve the right to dispute this claim including banning your IP address and customer information from future orders, and we reserve the right to report you to the appropriate authority if we feel you are exercising this for self-gain.  We wish to provide you with a guarantee, but we do not wish to be taken advantage of.

5. All money-back claims must be emailed to our customer service support desk within 30 days of your product ship date. We reserve the right to request a paper request sent via U.S. Post or through whichever means we request.

6. Let's keep this clean.  We want to earn the right to serve you, but PLEASE only request this policy for legitimate reasons.  We wish to keep you as a customer, and only ask the same respect.

If you are not sure if you're due a refund for this policy, please contact us and we will discuss this with you.